Tag:   Political unit > United States (federal government) - (74)

Showing 74 Results

FCC National Broadband Map

This map displays where Internet services are available across the United States, as reported by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to the FCC. The map will be updated continuously to improve its accuracy through a combination of FCC verification efforts, new data from Internet providers, updates to the location data, and—importantly—information from the public.

United States Department of Justice

The mission of the Department of Justice is to uphold the rule of law, to keep our country safe, and to protect civil rights.

National AI Talent Surge

National AI Talent Surge

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

The US federal government is rapidly hiring talent to build and govern AI to fulfill the priorities set forth by the Biden-Harris Administration.



1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

US federal website launched by the Biden Administration

Global Engagement Center

Mission: To direct, lead, synchronize, integrate, and coordinate U.S. Federal Government efforts to recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining or influencing the policies, security, or stability of the United States, its allies, and partner nations.

Broadband Consumer Labels

Broadband Labels (Internet de Banda Ancha Etiquetas - en español) are designed to provide clear, easy-to-understand, and accurate information about the cost and performance of high-speed internet services.

FEMA Hurricane Rumor Response

The US government's emergency response department has taken to the internet to fight an unprecedented amount of information about 2024 hurricanes.



GSA (General Services Administration), F Street Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

10x is the federal government’s very own venture studio

ACR Editor

ACR Editor

United States of America (the)

This web editor helps evaluators build Accessibility Conformance Reports in the US OpenACR format

Federal AI Hackathon

Federal AI Hackathon

GSA (General Services Administration), F Street Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

Help us optimize federal websites and data for AI while enhancing human usability

US Web Design System

US Web Design System

GSA (General Services Administration), F Street Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

A design system for the federal government.

Technology Modernization Fund

Technology Modernization Fund

GSA (General Services Administration), F Street Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

We drive modernization in federal IT that better serves agencies and the American public.

Source Code Harmonization And Reuse in Information Technology (SHARE IT) Act

Bipartisan legislation that would require government agencies to share custom-developed source code with each other—thereby avoiding duplicative government contracts to build software.

White House Request for Public Comment on Public Participation

White House Request for Public Comment on Public Participation

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

The White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) wants your ideas to develop a Federal framework, guidelines, and leading practices for public participation and community engagement (PPCE) activities to help Federal agencies more broadly and meaningfully engage with you and your communities.

Find Local Help

Find Local Help

200 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20201

"Find Local Help is a tool from CMS, which runs HealthCare.gov, that connects people to in-person, one-on-one help signing up for health insurance. Users can enter their location and get a list of local experts who can help them complete the process for free." - Ad Hoc

Responsible Design, Development, and Deployment of Technologies (ReDDDoT)

Supports research, implementation and education projects involving multi-sector teams that focus on the responsible design, development or deployment of technologies.

America’s Seed Fund

We fund startups across nearly all technology areas and markets like artificial intelligence, energy, medical devices, robotics, semiconductors, and many more.

Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP)

The Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships is the first new NSF directorate in 30 years and "advances use-inspired and translational research in all fields of science and engineering, giving rise to new industries and engaging all Americans — regardless of background or location — in the pursuit of new, high-wage jobs in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)."

Prototype Open Knowledge Network (Proto-OKN)

Supports the creation of a prototype Open Knowledge Network — an essential public-data infrastructure to power the next information revolution.

The White House Office of Public Engagement

The White House Office of Public Engagement

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

(Biden Administration) With a focus on making the White House inclusive and accessible to its citizens, the Office of Public Engagement is responsible for creating and coordinating direct dialogue between the Biden-Harris administration and the diverse American public.

US Department of Homeland Security Customer Experience Office

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced today that it has established a permanent Customer Experience (CX) office to help deliver services that are simple to use, accessible, equitable, protective, transparent, and responsive for all DHS customers.

The GSA Equity Study on Remote Identity Proofing

The GSA Equity Study on Remote Identity Proofing

GSA (General Services Administration), F Street Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

By participating in GSA’s study on identity verification technology, you can help identify potential barriers and challenges that impact individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Making Voices Heard in the Regulatory Process (US OMB)

Making Voices Heard in the Regulatory Process (US OMB)

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

Today, the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is releasing guidance detailing new steps that Federal agencies should take to make it easier for interested members of the public to voice their views in the regulatory process.

Digital Platform Commission Act of 2022

Legislation introduced in the 117th Congress, "To establish a new Federal body to provide reasonable oversight and regulation of digital platforms."

21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act

The bill’s sponsor, Representative Ro Khanna, summed it up by saying, “Government exists to serve citizens, and this bill ensures government leverages available technology to provide cohesive, user-friendly online service that people around this country expect and deserve.”

Andrew Hyder Government Service Improvement Award

Andrew Hyder Government Service Improvement Award

18F, Technology Transformation Services

TTS annually awards the Andrew Hyder Government Service Improvement Award to one or more federal employees who demonstrate both excellence in their work and a commitment to improving the public’s experience with government. This award commemorates the life and work of Andrew Hyder, a consulting software engineer at 18F who tragically passed away in 2021.

GSA Workplace Innovation Lab

GSA Workplace Innovation Lab

GSA (General Services Administration), F Street Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

Located on the second floor of our headquarters at 1800 F Street NW, Washington, D.C., the Workplace Innovation Lab showcases the latest innovations in office design, furniture, and technology to meet the needs of today’s hybrid federal workers.



United States of America (the)

US Federal government grants portal and related resources

Customer Experience Projects

The Biden Administration's approach to human-centered design to re-orient government around a core set of "life experience" personas



Capitol Hill

GovInfo is free U.S. Government information for all. GovInfo is a service of the United States Government Publishing Office (GPO), which is a Federal agency in the legislative branch.

Congressional Directory

This site contains directories for the 41st (1869-1871) -104th (1995-96) Congresses forward, as well all Interim editions (online-only revisions) for the 105th Congress forward. Documents are available as ASCII text and Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files

United States Department of State's Office of the Special Envoy for Critical and Emerging Technology

Secretary Blinken established the office as part of the wider modernization agenda because the constellation of critical and emerging technologies reshaping the world is now an integral part of the conduct of U.S. foreign policy and diplomacy.

Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems (POSE)

National Science Foundation program supporting the facilitation, creation and growth of open-source ecosystems for the creation of new technology solutions.

USAID Digital Strategy

USAID’s first Digital Strategy charts an agency-wide approach to development in a rapidly evolving digital age.



United States of America (the)

The home of the U.S. Government’s open data

USAID Digital Government Model

This document provides a descriptive model as the basis for a shared understanding and vocabulary of the key components of digital government for the development community.

Clean Energy for All

Clean Energy for All

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

The Biden Administration's explainer site for the Inflation Reduction Act's renewable energy provisions

US General Services Administration (GSA)

US General Services Administration (GSA)

GSA (General Services Administration), F Street Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

Technology Transformation Services (TTS) applies modern methodologies and technologies to improve the lives of the public and public servants

Eligibility API Initiative

Eligibility API Initiative

GSA (General Services Administration), F Street Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

Initiative by 18F to demonstrate the potential for API-enabled benefits eligibility logic services.

U.S. Digital Corps

U.S. Digital Corps

Washington, DC

The U.S. Digital Corps is a two‑year government fellowship to launch your career at the intersection of technology and public service.

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